Routine cleaning: clean and tidy
Routine cleaning is when offices and commercial areas are cleaned continually and regularly, and this is precisely the area in which Absolutely Cleaning Services Ltd has specialised. Our experienced, well-qualified and conscientious staff enable us to guarantee high-quality cleaning standards, not just once but every time.
You, the customer, determine what cleaning work is to be done as well as how often the cleaning is carried out.
Routine cleaning includes:
- cleaning textile and non-textile floors, e.g. vacuum cleaning, sweeping, moist and wet wiping and removing small stains
- dusting and wiping surfaces
- cleaning washrooms and toilets
- replacing consumables such as soap or toilet paper
- cleaning furnishings
- emptying ashtrays and wastepaper baskets
- cleaning doors and light fittings
- filling and emptying dishwashers
Are you interested in a customised service package?
We'll be happy to meet you personally to agree which individual routine cleaning services should be included and at what intervals they should be performed. After taking a close look at your premises, we'll make you a competitive offer tailored to your individual requirements.
Call us on 01249 814747 or use our contact form.